Monday, November 25, 2013

The noo Hay didl didl

Hay didl didl the cat with a fiddle the caw jump over the moon. The little dog leafed to see such sport and the dish ran away with the spoon. sated home with the spoon.

Sunday, November 24, 2013

A, B, and C are up in the old pine-tree. D, E, and F to are up in the old pine-tree. G, H, and I to are up in the old pine-tree. J, K, and L to are up in the old pine-tree. M, N, O, and P to are  in the old pine-tree. Q, R, S, and T to are in the old pine-tree. U, V, W, X, Y, and Z to are in the old pine-tree.

Saturday, November 23, 2013

The werst page

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hng .lupnlpnm from Liam, so fjjgd jkmrg hjf efm  fhjsmdbfjj ujkkfks ifjkjn jfkhjksdf jikjkkjkjjkk

The inberising page

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Friday, November 22, 2013

Once a pun a time there live a rabbit. Now this rabbit did not act like one. He did not hop. The rabbit  floe across the sea! The sharks could not get him. Witch made the sharks get confused. In the sharks mined they questioned there selves saying. Oh of what wonder can we do about this? Finely the rabbit had fingered out his life well not really.   He floated to the beech and started to hop. He started to act like a reel rabbit well at first..  He started to go to K-Mort. The people thought the rabbit Jerry was crazy! He stole $100.0. 8,0,000 people went crazy! For 50 days he was like this. Finely he had actually fingered out his life. He hoped, he twitched, and any thing a rabbit would do. But some times he would try to get $5,0,000 for him self. 18 years later he died. But still we wonder way it took so long for that rabbit Jerry to figure out his life? The end.